
The ancient art of acupuncture has the ability to address the primary causes of disease even in situations where modern understanding is elusive. This tremendously powerful modality can be a useful part of any treatment plan.


Sometimes nothing works better to resolve muscluoskeletal problems than massage. We offer techniques ranging from gentle muscle activation to deep tissue work.


Water therapies have existed in many cultures for thousands of years. In the early days of Naturoptahic medicine hydrotherapy was central to activating vitality to induce cure.

IV Therapy

Those of us with digestive problems or chronic disease may be deficient in essential nutrients. IV administration of vitamins and minerals is a safe and effective way to make sure the body is replete. IV therapy is also extremely helpful during and after acute illnesses including covid 19.


We can all use an advocate that is invested in our well-being and our well-being alone. Naturopaths receive extensive counseling training as part of the ND educational program. Dr. Wilson has also done additional training in psychology and counseling. Being able to provide both medical care and counseling is a unique privilege because our physical and emotional lives are inseparable.

Home Visits

Traveling when you are sick is especially unpleasant and tends to spread illness in the community. Let your doctor come to you!

*Additional services are billed separately and do not use up any free visits.